Babies & Family Milestones

Families - Capital CeremoniesBaby Blessings, Adoptions, Coming of Age, Graduations, House Blessings, Pet Ceremonies

Marking the milestones in your life and the life of your family is an important way to acknowledge change and a great way to grow together. It’s also a chance for all the children and adults involved – friends and family members alike – to add their unique expressions and begin to define what it is to be a family.

Baby Blessings and Adoptions  Every culture and religion has a ceremony to name and welcome a new child.  They can be called baptisms,  baby welcomings  baby namings or adoption ceremonies.  No matter the age of the child, I am happy to help you design this joyful celebration in a way that is most meaningful to you. This is also an opportunity for all the members of your family to express their tributes and share their joy.

Coming of Age ceremonies mark the passage from childhood into adulthood and provide a link between generations.  Let me help you create a ceremony that allows children and adults to communicate knowledge and wisdom in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Together we can creatively include meaningful symbols and mementos from both the child’s and the parent’s lives and weave them into the ceremony. We can also honor mentors and special family members like a stepfather, grandmother, and sibling or maybe even the family pet.

Birthdays and Celebrations of Life are also occasions that can be marked with special tributes.  Croning or Wise Woman ceremonies have long been celebrated in many cultures when a woman turns 50 or 60. But why not extend that to men?   Turning 20, 40, 80, or 100 can also be marked in special ways.  After all, the older we get, the more there is to say.   Often we have wisdom to pass along or perhaps our elders have some wise advice for us.  Including a small ceremony into the celebration gives significance to the moment.

Graduations, House Blessings, Moving Days Personal and family transitions like graduations and new homes are times to celebrate. Leaving old friends and neighborhoods behind can feel overwhelming.   Let me help you design a ceremony that best expresses your joys and challenges. It’s a wonderful way to share these moments with your loved ones.

AC Warden and her dog

Pet Adoptions Whether it’s your cat, dog, rabbit, fish or turtle your pet is an important member of your family.  Welcoming a new kitten or puppy and presenting him or her with a name is a joyous occasion.  I’d love to help you mark this event.

Contact Me for a free consultation.